Creating Custom Reports

Learn how to create a custom report within UpRival.

UpRival has detailed reporting throughout the platform from the graphs on the Publisher and Placement levels to data on each of the 3 UpRival levels (Publisher, Placement, and Ad group/Ads). For further reporting click on the "Custom Reports" tab on the side bar.  Here, you are able to create as many custom reports as you’d like.

Here are the steps:

  1. Give your custom report a name
  2. Select which Publisher the data will be pulled from
  3. Select which Placement the data will be pulled from
  4. Select the Report Type: Geo, Carrier, Browser, Device Type, URL, IP Click, IP Type, Video, or Video Errors Statistics
  5. Select the Date Range of your custom report
  6. Select Save

You will receive an email once your report has generated. For large data files this may take up to a few minutes.

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