Get Tag For Each Placement

Understanding the different tag types that you can use within UpRival.

All placements’ HTML tags can be copied inline by clicking on the “Get HTML Tags” or “Get Tag” buttons. By clicking the “Get Tag” button, you can see the name and dimension of the placement, and access other settings. You can enable URL stats or SubID, change the embed method type, or enable a click macro.

A click macro is a way for a third party (like DoubleClick, or a demand side platform) to track clicks on an ad that is hosted on an ad server. When you click the “Enable Click-Macro” button, it adds &cm=[CLICK-MACRO-URL-HERE]. “[CLICK-MACRO-URL-HERE]” is a placeholder and should be replaced with the appropriate click macro code. Publishers must provide the encoded link for their tracker and the clicks will be routed through the tracker, prior to being redirected to the landing page. Invalid URLs will prevent the click from being sent to the landing page. In order to be able to see URL stats, your publisher must send you the URLs of the pages your ads are appearing on.

Checking the box marked “Enable SubID” allows you to pass information through the tag. You can set up SubIDs to help track where clicks are coming from. You can add up to 5 SubIDs. SubIDs are often used to give anonymity to a publisher’s domain name, and are used as unique identifiers to represent that domain. Alternatively, SubIDs can also be used to pass any other alphanumeric data. To learn how SubIDs can be used for targeting, click here.

Checking the box marked “SSL” changes the tag to a secured https protocol. The embed method can be a script or iFrame tag, an A tag, or one of our advanced publisher methods.

The “Embed Method Type” offers a drop down menu to select the type of embed method you want your placement to have. Script or iFrame tags are the preferred method for inserting your ads onto a publisher’s website, or through Ad Exchanges and DSP’s. Both are equally reliable, and the style you use will depend on the preference of the publisher, ad exchange, or DSP that you are using to run traffic to your placement. Your other options are A tags, or one of our advanced publisher methods.

A tags use standard HTML coding to place a href (the destination URL) and an image into the placement. This allows an advertiser to be able to run ads in an email placement where Script and iFrame tags are not an option. However,  A tags have a few limitations that don’t apply to Script or iFrame tags. A tags are not compatible with text ad styles and should only be used for image banners. A tags are also not compatible with rotating images. When using an A tag for your placement, you should only have one ad and one ad group active at a given time. Having multiple ads active at the same time will create discrepancies in the click count.

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