Creating and Editing Placement Sizes

UpRival allows you to create and customize placement sizes. It is required to have a placement size that matches the size of the placement you are serving ads to. There are standard placement sizes loaded into the UpRival platform, but if you don’t see the placement size you’d like to use, you’ll need to create a new one. This is done by selecting “Placement Sizes” located on the sidebar in the "Creatives" tab dropdown. 

Simply click “Create New Placement Size” and input the desired width and height.

Note: if you create a new placement size and wish to use text ads, you must also create a text ad style with the same width and height.

A placement size can be edited by clicking on the “Edit” button. Note that you can edit all of the placement size’s information except the dimensions of the placement. With the “Edit” button, you can add a text style to the placement. Only the text styles with same width and height will be listed as available options in the drop down menu. Click on the “Save” button to save the changes.

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